Welcome to Tučňákov!

We accept children from 12 months of age. We prefer an individual approach and we guarantee a small number of children in each group. We give way to children's natural curiosity and develop a love of discovering things. Thanks to our professional care and above-standard equipment, we received the Nursery of the Year and Kidergarten of the Year award.

Igloo Zahrada
We work with a unique curriculum
We work with a unique curriculum
Unique program supporting child development
Unique program supporting child development
Specially designed aids
Specially designed aids
English with a native speaker
English with a native speaker
Wide selection of educational and hobby courses
Wide selection of educational and hobby courses
Family environment to help children adapt quicker
Family environment to help children adapt quicker
tečky tečky

Clients experience

Victoria Rychkova

Školka a jesličky jsou nádherné, komunikace, pedagogové a prostředí - všechno je na 5 ***** můj syn hodí do školky jenom 1 měsíc a už každý víkend mi ptá kdy půjde znova :)

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Lucia Janíčková

Doporučujem všetkými srdiečkami, ktoré máme. Na začiatku prebehla skvela komunikácia a rychla adaptácia syna. "Tety" aj majitelka škôlky - sú profesionálne, milé a majú prirodeznú autoritu! Vymýšlajú bohaté programy na každý deň, vnútorné priestory a zahrádka sú dokonalé. Náš syn sa každé ráno teší do škôlky <3 Tučňákov je súčasť nášho života a nemenili by sme! Lucia

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Jitka Holeczová

Tučňákov jsme s dcerou Eliškou objevily náhodou při procházce, prohlédla jsem si webovky a rozhodla se, že se poptáme osobně. Od toho momentu - první návštěvy na zkoušku - je to jednoznačná volba! Eliška si moc oblíbila tety, děti i prostředí a jejímu rozvoji program jesliček a následně i školky jen a jen prospívá. Zkrátka Tučňákov miluje a za nic na světě by jej nevyměnila, stejně jako já. Tety odvádí skvělou práci a já jsem moc vděčná za šťastné a spokojené dítě! Takže děkuji a vřele doporučuji!

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Dcera chodí do Tučňákova od 14 měsíců a je tam naprosto spokojená ???? Kolikrát ani nechce jít domů. Všechny "tety" jsou moc milé a ve všem nám vycházejí vstříc. Vymýšlejí pro děti pořád nové aktivity a dětem se opravdu věnují. Veliká výhoda Tučňákova je krásná zahrada. Za nás naprostá spokojenost ????

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Tučňákov doporučujeme na 100%. Čenda nastoupil na částečnou docházku už ve dvou letech, byl maličký, a tak pro nás bylo důležité, aby se na novém místě neztratil a měl v "tetách" podporu a oporu. Což se stalo. Kolektiv Tučňákova je jedinečný, vládne tam nadšení a dobrá naláda, ale taky ochota vyjít vstříc a spolupracovat, vnímat děti jako individuality, které mají různé potřeby. Syn tam strávil krásné dva roky, užil si spoustu aktivit, skvělé zahrady, udělal obrovské pokroky.

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Our day at Tučňákov

8:00 – 8:45

Arrival at Tučňákov.
Spontaneous games according to the children's wishes.

8:45 – 9:00
(Vajíčková pomazánka s kukuřicí, žitný chlébík, pažitka. Ovocný čaj s citronem/Voda.)
9:00 – 9:10

Welcoming a new day with exercise

9:10 – 9:45

Main program of the day

thematic set of activities.

10:00 – 11:30

Get out time in the garden

or a walk

11:30 – 12:15
Today’s menu: Drůbeží polévka s fazolkami mungo. Špagety s tuňákem a mrkví, sypané sýrem. Ovocný čaj/Voda s citronem.
12:15 – 15:00

Afternoon rest

with a story

15:00 – 15:30
(Ovocný puding s banány. Kakao/Voda.)
16:00 – 16:40

Afternoon indoor/outdoor activities.

Courses. English.

16:40 – 17:40

Spontaneous afternoon games according

to the children's wishes. Gradual departures.


The courses are intended for all registered children and are included in the price of tuition. Additional offer depending on interest and personal consultation.



Every proper penguin should speak at least two languages. In additon to the children's native language and its development, we offer English lessons with a native speaker. The children learn new words, sing songs and learn a foreign language in a fun way.



Medical exercises compiled specifically according to a child's anatomy to help them develop proper posture. We learn the techniques of breathing, stretching, relaxation and imagination, all adapted to bring joy to children.



What would it be like if we didn't sing every day? The answer is clear: Sad! And we don't want that. We rehearse well-known folk songs with piano accompaniment. Sometimes we also dance. We pretend to be musicians - we have a wide range of Orff instruments. We learn to recognize sounds and noises. We often get various musical riddles.



Sometimes we also cook or bake something for ourselves. We can either eat it together or leave it for Mom or Dad. We enjoy mixing dough, cutting out shapes, brushing and decorating. We try to not only prepare sweets but also healthy, colorful food.



We are preparing various creative activities of an artistic or productive nature. We paint, draw, model, glue, cut, build, and we love doing all of it. This course promotes the development of aesthetic feeling, creativity, imagination and perseverance, and develops fine motor skills.



This course helps build a relationship with nature, plants, animals, garden care. It develops cooperation and responsibility, and it also helps build new friendships with our animal pets. In this way, children learn with all their senses what caring for animals and the garden entails.

Fairy tales

Fairy tales

We learn to make puppets, our own costumes, we develop dramatic feeling; this is a thematically focused course including singing, recitation, listening to fairy tales, dramatic rendering.

Music and dance

Music and dance

The dance school for our little ones offers elements of ballet, Latin American rhythms, folk music. Multicultural dance.

Speech games

Speech games

A fun way of practicing language skills. We have countless techniques and activities to practice correct pronunciation.

A stable team of professionals takes care of children

Ing. Zuzana Tomić

Ing. Zuzana Tomić

ředitelka a majitelka Tučňákova
Bc. Anežka Vyhnálková

Bc. Anežka Vyhnálková

Kristýna Kaštovská, DiS.

Kristýna Kaštovská, DiS.

vedoucí pedagog v jesličkách
Mgr. Oksana Vivcharyk

Mgr. Oksana Vivcharyk

provozní a estetická duše školky

News from our kindergarten

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for our kindergarten?

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